type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
origination: |
Kelway, England 1888 |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Double Peonies, page 25. *Baroness Schroeder. (Kelway, 1889 ?.) 9.0 (Sym. 1921). White. |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies] BARONESS SCHROEDER. (Kelway, 1889.) 9.0. Double type; very large; late midseason. Pale flesh-white, tinted cream; outer petals frequently shaded with faint pink; fragrant. Tall; floriferous; strong stems. Excellent foliage. This variety develops a large, funnel-shaped crown when fully open, and while classed as a white peony it is sometimes very pale pink. The habit of the plant and the lasting quality of the blooms make it good for both garden decoration and cut-flowers. Opens better in water than in the field. |
listed by: |
Baroness Schroeder (Kelway 1888), pale flesh-white tinted cream, turning snow-white. Rose type. Very large. Handsome foliage. Rose scented. One of the most beautiful double whites. Flowers last well and are even finer when cut and in water than in the field. Pleasant fragrance. ff.t.ml. |
Blush to white, double, mildly fragrant, late-midseason, 35" tall, lactiflora cultivar. A double flower that opens blush turning white. A mild fragrance on a tall flower for a good cut flower |
Baroneß Schröder, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] fleischfarbigweiß in milchweiß übergebend, sehr großblumig |
Baroness Schröder, [Paeonia sinensis Gefüllt blühende Sorten] fleischfarbig weiss in milchweiss übergehend, sehr großblumig |
BARONESS SCHROEDER (Kelway, 1889) Double - White - Late Midseason. Tall. Normal fragrance. A double white tinted flesh pink. This pink will disappear as flower opens, leaving it a pure white. Strong stems and one of the best cut flowers. Excellent foliage. Opens better in water than in the field. Very large. Floriferous. Catalogs. M. |
BARONESS SCHROEDER (Kelway) This is indeed a most excellent white which shows a tint of pink when it first opens. It soon fades to a pure white. Its all around good qualities make it very desirable as a commercial cut flower. Pleasingly fragrant. Midseason. |
Kortmann (1998) |
'Baroness Schröder' (Kelway, Engeland, 1889) Bloemen wit, iets roze getint, wit verbloeiend, gevuld, middelvroeg tot laat; bladeren groen, iets bruinrood getint, gaaf , hoogte 90 cm; bloemstengels matig stevig; vertakking redelijk Deze cultivar is een geliefde snijpioen, omdat de bloemen op water goed tot ontwikkeling komen. Helaas is de plant enigszins gevoelig voor Botrytis. 'Baroness Schröder' ontwikkelt zich op zwaardere grond beter dan op lichtere veengrond. |
'Baronesse Schröder' (USA Kelway 1889). Riesige, weiße, dichtgefüllte Bl auf festen Stielen. Sehr gut für die Vase geeignet, guter Duft. |
Baroness Schroeder (Kelway 1889) L. Full double; large, opens blush, quickly passes white. Mild fragrance, prolific. Tall, vigorous; good stems, a good cut flower, said to open better in water than in the field (APS cultivar checklist, 1986.) |
'Baronesse Schröder' (Kelway, 1889),Li,S,1-3/ 80-100,90,mittel-spät,zartrosaweiß,C2,Stark, aufreht, Blüten ballförmig. |
plate xviii on page 128: |
Tartu Ülikooli Botaanikaaed (THE BOTANICAL GARDEN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TARTU) INDEX PLANTARUM : Paeonia 'Baroness Schroeder' Kelway 1889 |
White with more tendency to be Blush; double |
Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk: index plantarum 2007, available under [link]: listed |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |