02255 Paeonia 'Moon of Nippon'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]


Auten, USA 1936

MOON OF NIPPON (Auten, 1936) - Jap. - White. Tall. A very large white Jap with fine yellow center. Stems very stiff. Bulletin 65.

Zeppelin (2001)

'Moon of Nippon' (USA Auten 1936). Einfache weiße Schale mit dichter gelber Mitte aus verbänderten Staubfäden,


Moon of Nippon: This fine cultivar boasts impressive single white flowers with a large yellow center, held on strong stems.

Moon of Nippon'( Auten 1936) fl. japonaise simple blanc.

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