Paeonia 'Zhao Fen'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]

chinese name:


Zhao's Pink, Zhao [ancient state] red


Phönix der aufgehenden Sonne, Rose von Zao


Rosa di Zhao

Rivière (1995):

'Zhao Fen' "Phönix der aufgehenden Sonne" Gefüllt. Kuriosität mit gefüllten und einfachen Blüten an derselben Pflanze, Petalen leuchtend rosa, bei den einfachen Blüten fällt der rote Stempel auf.

Osti (1997)

ZHAO FEN, «Rosa di Zhao». Una delle varietà classiche, molto nota e apprezzata, con fiori stradoppi di un rosa tenerissimo; a volte può presentare fiori semplici, con forme diverse sulla stessa pianta (i cinesi, ma noi non abbiamo la loro fantasia poetica, dicono che variano nella forma dal loto all'ortensia e alla corona). Foglie lunghe, arrotondate. Adatta alla forzatura'in vaso.

Unopiú (1997)

Zhao Feng , Rose von Zao ; halbgefüllte Blume, hellrosa, mittlere Blütezeit

Osti (1999)

ZHAO FEN "Zhao's Pink" One of the classic varieties that is very well known and much appreciated. Flowers: very pale pink; fully double or occasionally single on the same plant (the Chinese say that they vary from the lotus to the hydrangea and crown form, but we do not have their poetic vision). Leaves: long with rounded leaflets. Suitable for forcing in pots.

Golden Port (2000):

Pink, flowers have a variety of shapes: crown, lotus, hydrangea or anemone, flower size 7" with a delicate fragrance; leaves long ; plant height to 5 feet; a robust free bloomer.

Rivière (2000)

ZHAO FEN "Le Phénix du Soleil Levant". (Double). Plante curieuse portant à la fois des fleurs doubles et des fleurs simples, de couleur rosé clair brillant. Les fleurs simples laissent apparaître un pistil rouge ; les fleurs doubles sont formées d'une coupe de pétales extérieurs très larges portant une boule de petits pétales. Port très souple. Parfumée.

NTSC (suffr.)

Zhao Fen

peonyworld/ (suffr.)

Zhao Fen // Zhao Family's Pink Pink, suffused with pinkish red at the base. Crown form, sometimes lotus form, golden circle form or anemone form occurs. Flowers size " 18cm x 8cm "; lateral; delightful fragrance. Plant medium height, spreading. Branches fairly pliable, curved. Growth vigorous; flowers many, neatform. Blossoming midseason. One of the best and oldest pink variety. Classic variety.


Zhao Fen classic variety with very large, double pale blush-pink.flowers. Very floriferous, vigorous grower

xinxin: (suffr.):

Zhao Fen Pink, lotus, crown and hydrangea forms varying on one plant, flowers 18cmx8cm, the lighter flowers facing upwards, the heavier ones to the side, flowers freely in midseason, growth vigorous. It is the one of the excellent traditional varieties that is good for forcing and being potted, also it is the good choice for the beginning collector

(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) The lower photograph show a single flower and full-double flowers on the same plant. This is characteristic of Zhaofen. Large size. Early Spreading growth.

Zhao Fen Pinkish white ,Lotus ,crown and Hydrangea shapes varying on one plant; lateral flowers, long ,blunt- tipped leaves, spreading ,useful for forcing.

Heze East

Luoyang Peony



Zhongguo Mudan

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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