Paeonia 'Zi Lan Kui'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]

chinese name:


Lavender Champion, Blue and Purple Giant


Die riesengroße Violette


Gigante blu e porpora

Rivière (1995):

'Zi Lan Kui' "Die riesengroße Violette" Gefüllt. Blüten gefüllt, malvenfarbig mit stellenweise wunderbarem, lachsrosafarbenem Glanz. Die äußeren, großen, schalenförmigen Petalen umgeben ein Zentrum aus kleineren, je nach Zone malvenfarbenkarmin oder lachsfarben getönte Petalen.

Osti (1997)

ZI LAN KUI, «Gigante blu e porpora». Fiore stradoppio, rosa lillà intenso, a forma di anemone. Fiori portati eretti, molto numerosi, portamento esuberante, fogliame tondeggiante, fioritura tardiva.

Osti (1999)

ZI LAN KUI "Blue and Purple Giant" Flowers: pink; fully double, anemone form, erect, prolific.

Golden Port (2000):

Pink with purple tinge, crown shaped flowers, purple at base, flower size 6" with a dense fragrance; leaves round; plant height to 5 feet; a vigorous grower and free bloomer

Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute

Zi Lan Kui (Purplish Blue Queen ) Mid season, Crown form, Bluish pink, Crown form. Flowers 16cm x 8cm, bluish pink. Stalks short, stiff, flowers upright. Flowering midseason.
Plant medium height, partially spreading. Branches stout. Growth vigorous; flowers many, flowers neatform; growth compact. Bred by Zhaolou Peony Garden, Heze in 1969.

(Chinese Mudan cultivated in Japan) Medium size. Midseason. Spreading growth.

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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