Paeonia 'La Rosière'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] - [lactiflora]



Paeonia sinensis. Extra-Auslese der feinsten Sorten, die das beste enthält, was existiert:



Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]:

LA ROSIERE. la-ro-zyair'. (Crousse, 1888.) 8.3.

Semi-double type; medium size; midseason. Several rows of long, pointed, white petals symmetrically arranged about a central cluster of golden yellow stamens; not notably fragrant. Medium height; very free-flowering; stems wiry. Foliage small.

Blooms in huge clusters, each flower like a many-pointed star. One of the most distinct, and trustworthy varieties, especially good for garden decoration. Very striking.

"One of the loveliest peonies for the garden."—Saunders.

"Should not be disbudded."—Mrs. Harding.

listed by:

LA ROSIERE (Crousse, 1888) - Semi-Double - White - Midseason. Medium height. Fragrance not notable. Medium size. Several rows of long, pointed, white petals symmetrically arranged around a central cluster of golden yellow stamens. Very free-flowering; stems wiry. Foliage small. Very striking. M.

'La Rosière' /Félix Crousse/1888

La Rosière. [Paeonia albiflora Gefüllt blühende Sorten] Cremeweiß

'La Rosière' (Crousse 1888) : fl. semi-double blanc-crème pétaloides jaunes, 80cm, mi-saison

© 1. Bild : P. de Frankrijker en Zn, Boskoop

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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