Paeonia 'Jin huang' /Chu E Huang'

type: [tree peony] – [suffruticosa group] – [China central plains cultivar group]

xinxin: (suffr.):

Chu E Huang Light yellow or apricot, anemone or rose form, delicate fragrance, upwards flowers 15cmx6cm, long and stiff stems, flowers many in midseason, erect large plants with stout branches, growth vigorous, 6ft. in mature.


english translation:

Golden Emperor

Heze Guohua Peony Research Institute

Chu E Huang ( Yellow Gosling Crest) Mid season, Anemone form, Light yellow Anemone form, sometimes crown form occurs. Flowers 15cm x 6cm, light yellow suffused with pink. Stalks slender, long, flowers upright. Flowering midseason.
Plant tall, erect. Branches stout, stiff. Growth vigorous, flowers many. Bred by Team 9, Zhaolou, Heze in 1966.

* cross-references for the Luoyang/Heze names are from the english text insert of the booklet 'Zhongguomudan' Chinese tree peonies © Will McLewin 1996 Prepared by Phedar Nursery (England)

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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