type: [herbaceous peony] [species cultivar] [lactiflora]
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Double Peonies, page 56. *Walter Faxon. (Richardson, 1904.) 9.3 (Sym. 1921). Pink. plate xxxv on page 255: |
Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Descriptive List of Chinese Peonies]: WALTER FAXON. (Richardson, 1904.) 9.3. Double type; medium size; midseason. Vivid shell-pink of a luminous intensity unique in peonies, which fades with age; mildly fragrant. Medium height; fairly floriferous; good stems and foliage. A fairly good flower of value for its striking color. If Raoul Dessert and Souvenir de Louis Bigot are arranged beside it, Faxon is clearly the brightest and finest. In other respects it is merely average. See color illustration. "Fades quickly in sunlight."Saunders. "Its color makes it an outstanding variety."Christman. "Walter Faxon is the most distinct and outstanding pink variety when well grown and used as a cut-flower for show purposes. As a garden flower it lacks substance, fags in the sun, and is disappointing."Little. "The plant needs age, good cultivation, and disbudding to bring it to its best. It is then superb and stands the hot sun quite as well as the majority of varieties."Fewkes. |
WALTER FAXON (Richardson, 1904) - Double - Shell-Pink - Midseason. Medium height. Mildly fragrant. Medium size. Vivid shell-pink of a luminous intensity unique in peonies, which fades with age. Fairly floriferous; good stems and foliage. A fairly good flower of value for its striking color. If Raoul Dessert and Souvenir Louis Bigot are arranged beside it, Faxon is clearly the brightest and finest. In other respects it is merely average. "Fades quickly in sunlight"-Saunders. "Its color makes it an outstanding variety." Christman. "Walter Faxon is the most distinct and outstanding variety when well grown and used as a cut flower for show purposes. As a garden flower it lacks substance fades in the sun, and is disappointing".-Little. M. |
'Walter Faxon' (Richardson, 1904),Li, 1-3/ 70-80,80,mittel,lachs-rosa, Kleinblumig, |
Sevald: |
WALTER FAXON (Richardson, 1904) Double, midseason. Medium sized, very full double. When the flowers are allowed to open indoors after being cut in the late bud stage, the color is often described as the purest pink found among lactiflora peonies. When left on the plant, the flowers are still very attractive, but the bright pink color will not withstand strong sunlight |
Walter Faxon* (Richardson 1904) ML-L. Full double; the striking flower color is the big appeal here.vivid shell pink with a luminous intensity seldom seen in peonies, fragrant. Medium size. Out of doors the petals may wilt in heat, best used as a cut flower. Fairly floriferous; good stems and foliage. |
WALTER FAXON (Richardson) One of the most vivid of all pinksa real pink. A remarkable flower in the show room. The flowers are of medium sue, attractive in form, and mildly fragrant. The plant is of medium height with good stems and foliage. |
Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database |