Paeonia 'Mme. Auguste Dessert'

type: [herbaceous peony] – [species cultivar] – [lactiflora]



Peonies, The Manual of the American Peony Society, edited by James Boyd © 1928 American Peony Society: [Check List of Chinese Peonies in Commerce] Single Peonies, page 67

MME. AUGUSTE DESSERT, ma-dam-o-gust-des-sair'. (Dessert, 1899.) 8.6. Double type; large; early midseason. Cupped blooms of old-rose-pink, developing a hollow center full of golden yellow stamens and dark rose-pink carpels, with crimson flakes on a few petals; fragrance like elderberries. Medium height; very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage.

Rather irregular flowers of ordinary color and little distinction, but the plant is of good habit and is excellent for garden decoration.

"The description does not do justice to this fine variety."—Saunders.

"Odor not pleasant."—Boyd.

"Very unpleasant odor."—Henry Cooper.

MME AUGUSTE DESSERT (Dessert, 1899) - rouble - Pink - Early - Midseason. Medium height. Fragrance like elderberries. Large. Cupped blooms of old-rose-pink, developing a hollow center full of golden stamens and dark rose-pink carpels, with crimson flakes on a few petals. Very floriferous; strong stems. Good foliage. M.

Rivière (1995):

'Mme Auguste Dessert' /Dessert & Méchin/1899

Mad. Auguste Dessert, [Paeonia sinensis Gefülltblühende Sorten:] weiß mit lichtgelbem Anflug, niedrig, Gruppensorte.

Mad. Auguste Dessert, [Paeonia sinensis Gefüllt blühende Sorten] weiss mit lichtgelbem Anflug, niedrig. Gruppensorte

Carsten Burkhardt's Web Project Paeonia - The Peony Database


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